8 Things Pacman Frogs Like to Eat Most (Diet, Care & Feeding Tips)

A lot of pet enthusiasts want to know what do Pacman frogs eat. This species is especially great for animal lovers who never had experience with amphibians. If you create a suitable environment, a Pacman frog can live for up to 10 years. They are very easy to feed, so you shouldn’t have any issues even if you have no prior experience with frogs.

Pacman Frogs Habits and biology

This frog species lives in South America. It is amphibian that you can find in numerous pet shops. Although a frog species, Pacman frogs don’t swim that well. They will spend the majority of their life in leaf litter. Like most other frogs, they require a humid environment to survive.

An interesting thing about these frogs is that they got their name from the Pacman video game. This is because they are very round with large mouths. People simply love to have them as pets, as they don’t require any special food. They are not that active like some other species, so they are not ideal for owners who like to have frisky pets.

The species consists of three genera and a total of 12 species. There are some indications that their predecessors came from a prehistoric continent we know as Gondwana.

Here are some of their interesting habits and traits:

  • Although they make for great pets, the wild frogs will bite larger animals and humans if they feel a threat.
  • Pacman frog has an appetite to match its mouth and size. Therefore, the animal will try to eat anything that is close to it.
  • Males are much more vocal than females. They tend to croak and chirp more often.
  • Almost all males have spots on their chests, and as they grow older, they will slowly develop fingers and pads.
  • Female frogs are generally bigger than male Pacman frogs. It isn’t uncommon for a female frog to eat a male frog. So, if you’re keeping these animals as pets, experts suggest that you keep them separate.
  • Although these frogs live from 1 to 4 years in the wild, their life expectancy in captivity is significantly longer. On average, a pet frog can live from 6 to 10 years.
  • Bigger frogs have bite strength comparable to that of larger predators.

What do Pacman frogs eat in the wild?

Pacman frog will try to eat anything in its vicinity. It is a very voracious species that focus on insects. However, it can also eat smaller mammals such as rodents and fish. Experts categorize them as carnivorous and insectivores.

The frog will eat anything it can catch with its tongue. However, if an animal is a bit bigger, the frog will catch it with its mouth and directly ingest it. Sometimes, the animal to try and eat much larger game than itself. These animals are secondary eaters.

Here are the species that the frog eats in the wild:

The frog is especially reliant on vitamin D and calcium. As you can presume, calcium is important for bone growth but provides other benefits as well. Vitamin D improves the health of various organs such as the skin. Of course, being a carnivore and insectivore, the species needs a lot of protein to satisfy its energy needs.

Besides these substances, it also benefits from vitamin A, vitamin K, beta carotene, niacin, and numerous other minerals. Ideally, the frog should have a balanced diet by switching between various types of prays. The majority of pet owners give it supplements to improve its diet.

Like most other species, the Pacman frog doesn’t have to eat every day. If it has access to enough high-quality nutrients, it can eat every two or three days.

What do Pacman frogs as a pet?

What do Pacman frogs as a pet

Although the pet has a very diverse diet, you need to be selective when feeding it. There are a few types of insects that are toxic to the animal. Here are some best foods for packman frog:

  • Gut-loaded crickets are probably the best thing you can give to the pet. In fact, they are crucial for a healthy diet. You can find them in almost any pet shop, and they provide a high amount of nutrients and protein. However, before giving crickets to the frog, it is much better to gut-load them. That way, you can provide the frog with just the right mix of nutrients.
  • The great thing about dubia roaches is that they have much higher nutritional value than gut-loaded crickets. Their bodies are also much softer, making it easier for the frog to digest them. Although the crickets should remain the focal point of the Pacman frog’s diet, dubia roaches come in a close second.
  • Waxworms are common food for frogs but also other amphibians. They are very soft, small, and have lots of nutrients vital for frog development. Perhaps the main issue with wax worms is that they have too many fats. If you decide to give them to your pet, make sure to limit the intake. Giving the frog five worms per week is more than enough. Anything more than that may lead to obesity.
  • Red wigglers and nightcrawlers have a high quantity of minerals and vitamins per gram. After eating even the smallest quantities, the frog will feel very satiated. As they have soft bodies, it won’t be a problem for the animal to catch them, swallow them, and digest them. In most cases, nightcrawlers and red wigglers are sold as fish baits. A word of caution: some companies put fluorescent colors on nightcrawlers, so they are a better bait. You don’t want to give these to your frog.
  • Pinky mice are newborn mice that haven’t yet opened their eyes or developed fur. Unlike some insects, mice are very soft, making them optimal for frogs’ digestive tract. They are a bit larger than some other types of food on the list, so make sure that the frog is big enough to ingest it. Besides live pinky mice, you can also buy frozen ones.
  • Hornworms or goliath worms are another option. This is a rather large worm species that can grow up to 5 inches. Most companies sell them preloaded, so your frog will get all the necessary nutrients, and you can relax at the same time.

Tips to feed Pacman Frogs

Although the Pacman frog is easy to feed, there are lots of things you need to consider beforehand. Here are some great tips that will help you feed your pet:

  • There are several ways you can feed the frog: hunt feeding, hand feeding, tong feeding, and with a container. Perhaps the worst method is hand feeding, as some frogs tend to bite. However, this is also a good way to interact with your pet if it’s calm and cooperative.
  • You should never put two frogs together in a terrarium. The bigger, stronger frog will always dominate the smaller one and take the majority of its food.
  • Pacman frogs are voracious, but they can be sensitive to certain types of food. Ideally, you should cut the insects before feeding them to your pet. Then, feed the animal until it can eat no more and then remove all the remains.
  • Force-feeding might be necessary when the frog is sick or not eating properly.
  • Baby frogs should be fed every two days, and adults need food every three to four days. These are nocturnal hunters, so it is much better to feed them during the night.
  • Sometimes, baby frogs might have trouble eating when they enter a new environment. If this is the case, be very patient with your pet. Give it some food and if it doesn’t eat, remove it. You can try again tomorrow or wait for a day or two to try again.
  • Usually, Pacman frogs can eat both dead and alive animals. But this is not always the case. The animal needs to see some movement from its prey to jumpstart its natural instincts. If you really want to feed a reluctant pet with dead insects, try cutting them up beforehand. Still, you shouldn’t be forceful.
  • Sometimes, a frog will just stop eating. This isn’t always a cause for concern, as your pet might just be full. These animals can survive for several days without food, which is very important to know if you’re traveling. In that sense, the Pacman frog is a better pet than some other species. There are some cases where frogs stopped eating for three to four months. The only situation that should concern you is if the frog becomes completely inactive. This is usually a sign of sickness, and if this happens, you should seek medical attention immediately.


Pacman frogs can be amazing pets. They are very social animals, although not too active.

In terms of their diet, the animal can eat almost anything smaller than it. They can be very aggressive and are not afraid of attacking larger animals and even humans. You can feed it every two, three days by giving it various insects and baby mice.

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