Want A Snake As A Pet? Here Are The Essential Snake Caring Tips

Huh, snakes. Not everyone is comfortable in their presence. They are the scariest and creepiest reptiles, but they definitely have a mysterious side to them that many people want to explore and enjoy privately.

If you are one of those people, then you should definitely get a pet snake.

Of course, there are rules you need to follow when it comes to caring for a snake. If you live in California, where there are many gorgeous snakes to be found, you should seek a professional opinion and consult a veterinarian in Thousand Oaks, CA, for example.

It is better to be safe than sorry. That goes both for your reptile and yourself. That being said, here are some of the essential snake-caring tips.

Types Of Snakes You Should Avoid

Snakes are dangerous creatures, this should go without saying, but some people seek that thrill. But, there are snakes that you should never adopt, regardless of how adventurous you are.

For example, snakes like rattlesnakes, cottonmouths, water mocassins, and other venomous snakes are the types of reptiles you do not want in your home. Even if you think that you have the best snake box in the market and that you are a responsible owner, there is always a chance that a snake can escape its box. If that happens, you do not want that snake to be able to kill you or your loved ones.

Avoid venomous snakes at all costs.

But, which ones are okay? There are many snakes that can be easily domesticated. For example, Kingsnakes, Rat Snakes, and Garter Snakes are known to be good pets.

How To Prepare Your Home For A Pet Snake?

Getting a pet snake is not like adopting a cute labrador puppy. This is definitely a more serious thing and you need to prepare your home for it.

But, how does one do that?

One of the most important things you need to know is that snakes do not get along well with other pets in the house. They are predators and they will attack other creatures in the house if they get the chance. Of course, your job is not to let them do this.

The best way to prepare your humble abode for a snake friend is to get a safe box for them from which they cannot escape. The lid of the box needs to be suitable and undamaged. Also, you need to provide your snake with the necessary air holes but try to find a box that has air holes through which your pet cannot slither to escape.

Also, if you have other pets in your home, you should close the door of the room where the snake is. Animals can easily smell other animals in the house and if you do not want your dog to suffer a bite from a snake, keep them separated.

Wash The Floors Regularly

There are people who allow their pet snakes to roam through the house. This is ill-advised, but if you do it, you should know that snakes carry diseases like salmonella and you should wash the floors on a regular basis if your snake is out of the box frequently.

The best thing you can do is to not allow it to roam.

How To Care For Your Snake?

How To Care For Your Snake?

Now, the most important part of the article. Today, we are going to show you the essential things you need to do if you want your snake to have the wonderful life it deserves.

We already mentioned the box your snake will consider its home. You need to make sure that box is big enough for it. Of course, that depends on which snake you get, but if it is a larger snake, you need to know that those reptiles need space to stretch their legs. Oh, wait. Well, it still needs space.

The box also needs to be cleaned. What does that imply? That means that you need to remove the excess food that you find. Your snake will be hungry most of the time, but it won’t eat everything. You must not leave it there with spoiled food that smells and has bacteria on it.

Good ventilation is a must when you own a snake. For it in its box and for you in the room.

Now, you may think that snakes do not drink too much water, but that is not true. Sure, they do not drink as much as cats and dogs, but they do need access to fresh water at all times.

1. Special Accommodation

There are snakes that require a certain level of humidity in their boxes. This is where your research comes into play. Before you get a snake, you need to do thorough research and figure out what the pet needs in order to live a happy and healthy life in your home.

If the reptile needs humid air, ask the vet where you can get the humidifier for your slithering buddy.

2. Feeding Tips

Just like some snakes need humidity, some of them need a special diet. They are demanding pets, you need to be aware of this.

The good thing that definitely makes things easier for you as a snake owner is that those little guys are usually carnivorous. That means they eat meat. But, what kind of meat?

Most snakes hunt rodents in nature. Some hunt mice, some rats. Do your research and find out what kind of rodent would your snake like for dinner. Once you find out, it is important to provide them with pre-killed rodents that are safely thawed.

Why is this important?

While it may be cool to give your little reptile-killing machine live rodents and watch them hunt in their box, this is not humane to rodents. In nature, they have a chance to escape the snake because it is a level playing field. In the snake box, not so much.

Also, this may not be safe for your snake. You do not know where those rodents were kept before you bought them and they may be suffering from all kinds of hidden diseases. You definitely do not want your precious snake to eat sick rodents.

Do Snakes Shed?

Do Snakes Shed?

If you ever had a dog, you know how annoying shedding can be. But, if you decided to give snakes a chance, you will be happy to know that their shedding is different. Here are the most important things you need to know.

Snakes grow skin cells every day. That means that they shed rather often. But, they will do this in their box and this process is not too messy. But, you need to know that they may require your help from time to time. You may be disgusted by this, but don’t be.

All you will need to do is simply peel off some of the excess skin with your hand. If you are gentle with your snake, you will not be in danger of getting bitten.

If you are not comfortable doing this, you have the option of taking the snake to the vet.

How To Find A Vet For Your Snake Buddy?

Since we mention the vet, it is important to find a professional who will be dedicated to helping your snake if need be. But, how do you find the vet for your reptile?

Search for a vet that has experience working with reptiles such as snakes. This is important simply because they will not have prejudice when it comes to treating your pet. Also, they will be able to help with things like infections or any other issue your pet may experience.

Why should you find a good snake vet before you get a snake?

This is a good question. Consulting an experienced snake vet can help you find the best snake box, food, and other things you may need for your new friend.

Also, the laws regarding snake care at home may be different in some countries. If you do not know the laws, there is a good chance that the local vet does.

This is the best way to handle things and not worry about some violations later.

Snake Training

You may think that just because snakes are rather intelligent, you will be able to teach them cool tricks. But, that is not the case. Those are wild animals and they cannot be trained. Even the snakes who are bred in a home environment. They may be tame, but they do not listen to commands.

But, fortunately, they can pick a place in their box where they go to the toilet. This will make your life much easier. Contrary to popular belief, snakes are not dirty animals. That means you will need to clean their pee and feces every day if you want them to be healthy.

Final Word

Owning a snake can be an exciting adventure. But, it can be dangerous, as well. This is why you need to listen to your local vet and heed their words. This is the only safe way to enjoy being a snake mommy or daddy.

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