I Want a Dog. Will It Bite? – 12 Dog Breeds That Are Perfect for First-Time Owners

If you’ve never owned or lived with a pup before, it’s easy to be afraid of the worst. Will my dog bite people it doesn’t recognize? How do I help it recognize friends and family? Are there dog breeds I should avoid as a first-time owner?

It’s natural to have these questions – but the truth is, you needn’t be so afraid. Dogs are intelligent animals and are rarely inclined to be aggressive unless they’ve been taught by humans.

To help you understand more, we’ve put together a full guide to the friendliest, most docile breeds for first-time owners. Let’s get you ready for your first pup!

Why Do Dogs Bite?

Sadly, the main reason that dogs bite is that they’ve been trained to be aggressive. This is true both in the pup’s upbringing and as a matter of ancestry.

Some dog breeds have been bred over the millennia by humans to be more aggressive for purposes such as hunting and security. However, even these breeds tend to be very friendly towards their owners, especially when raised from birth in a loving environment. It’s much more about nurture than nature.

Aggressive dogs can’t be considered culpable for their actions in the same ways as humans can. Dog bite prevention is an essential lesson for new owners – however much love a dog receives, it is still an animal and may respond negatively when threatened. Still, these instances are relatively rare and almost never a concern for first-time owners who raise a pup in a loving environment.

Should I Be Worried?

As an owner – almost certainly not. We’ll start with the one caveat that any first-time owner should know when looking for a new pup.

Sadly, even today, some dogs are raised to be aggressive by their owners. This may be because they’re raised as guard dogs, for hunting, or, much worse, for fighting. Dogs that have experienced violence at their former owners’ hands are also more likely to be aggressive, as they’ve learned to fear humans.

These pups are sometimes abandoned or handed off to shelters. While adopting rescue dogs is highly encouraged, first-time owners should always try to find out their prospective pet’s history.

A dog that has had a hard life may have a happy future in the hands of an experienced owner, but the best bet for first-time owners is to adopt a pup that simply needs a new home because it was lost or the former owner couldn’t keep it for personal reasons.

However, most dogs are incredibly trusting and optimistic. Most dogs from rescues are ready for a new home, a loving relationship, and a life full of family and friends. They respond so well to positivity and love – any responsible rescue shelter will tell you all you need to know about making sure your new pet feels welcome, trusting, and at peace in your home.

The Best 12 Dog Breeds for First-Time Owners

Almost no dog will be aggressive if it’s been raised from birth in a stable, loving environment. However, some breeds are famously unlikely to show aggressive behavior even when stressed, and these are among the most highly recommended for first-timers.

Here’s a breakdown of our top 12 dog breeds if you’ve never owned a pup before.

1. Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever
Image Credit: noel.a129

Golden retrievers are famously among the friendliest breeds of all. They’re full of enthusiasm and love to play, and these pets are recommended for those who enjoy walking – they love to exercise!

Their sparkling personalities make them popular among children, and golden retrievers virtually never exhibit aggression. They’re loyal, playful, and an excellent choice for first-time owners.

2. Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dog
Image Credit: balooandmowgli_theberners

Are big dogs harder to raise if you’ve never owned a pup before? Absolutely not.

You can’t do better than a Bernese mountain dog. These gentle giants are incredibly relaxed, and while they love to play as pups and enjoy long walks, they’re very low-maintenance and rarely become restless.

They adore children, and their lush coats make them great for cuddles. They’re outstanding family pets.

3. Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever
Image Credit: loveone_tsuchiura

Just like golden retrievers, labrador retrievers are exuberant, lively pets that enjoy long walks and games. This makes them ideal for anyone who loves to get out in nature – it’s hard to tire a young labrador retriever out!

Some labradors bark more than other breeds on this list, but they’re just making conversation! They’re incredibly curious, and when a labrador barks at a new person, it’s saying hello and showing interest rather than giving a warning. They warm to newcomers quickly and make great family dogs.

4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Image Credit: avaliercommunity

It’s often said that small dogs are more aggressive than their larger cousins. However, if you want a small dog with an incredibly gentle temperament, you can’t do better than Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

With distinctive large, floppy ears and the cutest puppy-dog eyes you’ve ever seen, they’re adorable pets that are often a good choice for less active owners. While they love walks and play, they’re also happy to join you in front of the TV for a cuddle and a treat.

5. St. Bernards

St. Bernards
Image Credit: _andy_ollie_

Back to the big dogs, and you don’t get much bigger than a St. Bernards.

Famed as rescue dogs, St. Bernards are patient, kind, and nurturing. They’re amazing family animals because they’re so good with children. They have endless tolerance for play.

If you’re raising a St. Bernards from a pup, you’ll find that it grows into an extremely responsible adult if you give it tasks and make sure it knows the limits of mischief! These dogs also require plenty of walking.

6. Newfoundland

Image Credit: big_blue_the_newf

Newfoundlands are highly social dogs that love family environments. They’re very tolerant of other pets and tend to behave well with other dogs.

They’re fairly large and require plenty of exercise. At the end of the day, they’re more than happy to snuggle up with you on the sofa, and they become extremely attached to children. A great all-around choice.

7. Irish Setter

Irish Setter
Image Credit: mayla_irishredsetter

Irish setters are fun family pets and great companions. Their sense of humor is legendary, and they love to play around!

Their medium size and extremely gentle temperament make them an excellent pick for first-timers. Their distinctive, gorgeous, red-brown coat is another reason so many people love them – if you’re not a “big dog” person, an Irish setter is a great choice.

8. Beagle

Image Credit: thelifeoffil

The only danger with a beagle is that you’ll struggle to say no when it turns on the puppy-dog eyes.

Beagles are some of the cutest, most low-maintenance small dogs you’ll find. They bark less than many smaller pups, and while they enjoy walks like any dog, they’re super-cuddly and love to curl up on the sofa with you.

They can be mischievous, so it’s important to establish boundaries and good behavior early on. However, these playful pups are a superb, low-maintenance choice for first-time owners.

9. Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise
Image Credit: yeol_moo._.u

Bichon frise behave similarly to beagles – they’re extremely playful, sometimes bordering on mischievous, and the best way to let them settle into your home is with plenty of exercise and clear boundaries. They’re loving animals and get on extremely well with children.

Their distinctive, fluffy appearance makes them an excellent choice for anyone who prefers small, cute, and cuddly pets. They tend to be easygoing and warm up to new people very quickly.

10. Pug

Image Credit: kobappu_family

Pugs are incredibly cute, although we should note for first-time buyers that it’s extremely important to find your pug from a reputable source. Due to the high demand for these pups, they’re sometimes bred and sold unethically.

You won’t find a more loving little dog than a pug. They can become quite needy – again, establishing boundaries and rewarding them for good behavior is important. They’re incredibly committed to their owners and love to snuggle up in bed or on the sofa.

11. Bulldog

Image Credit: ara._.daily

Surprised? Many people view bulldogs with caution, as some breeds are sometimes chosen as guard dogs. However, aggression simply isn’t in their nature when they’re raised in a loving environment.

If you raise a bulldog pup in a loving home, you won’t find a cuddlier, more loving pet. They’re very good with new people as long as they’re socialized when they’re young!

They love walks and play, and you’ve never felt your heart truly melt until you’ve seen your little bulldog jump to catch a ball, miss it, and do a roly-poly on the grass.

12. Whippet

Image Credit: jimmy_and_charlie_whippets

Whippets are distinctive for their slightly startled appearance and boundless energy. Medium-sized, thin, and very athletic, whippets are excellent family pets if you’re ready to ensure they get plenty of exercises.

They’re friendly and socialize well with other animals. They bark much less frequently than many other breeds, so if you prefer a quiet pet, a whippet is a great choice.

Wrapping Up

Do you need to be afraid of your new dog biting? Unless it’s grown up in very specific and unfortunate circumstances, absolutely not.

Love is always the answer when raising a dog. The breeds listed above will virtually never show aggressive behavior as long as they’re treated with respect and love. If you’ve been considering getting your first dog, you can’t go wrong with the good boys and girls on this list!

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