What Do Sparrows Eat? (Diet & Facts)

Sparrows are small, brown birds found in many parts of the world. They are very common birds, and you have probably seen them many times without even realizing it. And like other small birds, it’s easy not to be bothered to learn more about them because they seem so…ordinary.

But sparrows are quite interesting creatures, and there are a few things you might not know about them. Do you know what sparrows eat? How about what kind of sounds they make? Or what color are they? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, read on!

Interesting Facts About Sparrows

There are many interesting facts about sparrows that will get your attention the next time you see one. Here are some of them:


Sparrows are found in many different habitats all around the world. They can live in forests, grasslands, deserts, and even near humans in cities and towns. Some sparrow species have even adapted to living inside human houses!

Sparrows are a very adaptable and invasive species of birds. This means that they can thrive anywhere. While they were mostly found in Eurasia, they have now spread to other parts like North America, Africa, and Australia. However, they’re not found in the Amazon basin.


All sparrows have a few things in common. They all have small, round bodies with short tails. Their wings are also short and rounded. Sparrows typically have brown, gray, or black feathers. Some species of sparrows also have white markings on their feathers.

The size of a sparrow depends on the species. The house sparrow, for example, is one of the smallest sparrows. It measures about 15 cm long and weighs around 24 grams. The largest sparrow is the jungle bush quail. It measures about 27 cm long and weighs around 170 grams.

Sparrows are also diurnal birds. This means that they are active during the day and sleep at night. They are also social birds and they live in groups or flocks.


Sparrows are sexually dimorphic, which means that males and females look different from each other. The males usually have brighter plumage or feathers than the females. This is a way for the males to attract mates.

Sparrows typically mate for life. The female will build a nest out of twigs, leaves, grass, and other materials. She will then lay anywhere from two to seven eggs. The eggs are incubated for about two weeks before they hatch.

The young sparrows, or chicks, will stay in the nest for another two weeks before they learn to fly. They will then leave the nest and join a flock.

What Do Sparrows Eat?

Sparrows are mostly granivorous birds. This means that they eat mostly seeds. However, they will also eat insects, especially when raising their young.

They can eat forage for food on the ground by using their beaks to dig through the dirt and find seeds. They will also eat berries and fruits. Typically, the diet of the sparrow will vary depending on the season and the location.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of what they eat:

  • Human Scraps And Food Waste – Many sparrows have adapted to living near humans. This means that they will often eat human scraps and food waste. This can include breadcrumbs, pasta, rice, suet, cereal, and milo among others. You’ll often see them on the compost hip, the garden feeder, or in front of your lawn, picking up scraps you’ve thrown away.
  • Fruits And Berries – Sparrows also eat fruits and berries. This is especially true for tropical sparrows. Some fruits they eat include bananas, oranges, pears, cherries, apples, pears, grapefruits, and more. They will also eat berries like strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries.
  • Nuts, Grains, And Seeds – Sparrows are mostly granivorous birds, which means that they eat mostly seeds. However, they will also eat nuts and grains. This includes sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, sorghum, cracked corn, and more. They will often store these food items in their nests to eat later. This helps them get through times when food is scarce.
  • Insects – While sparrows mostly eat seeds, they will also eat insects. This is especially true when they are raising their young. They eat insects including ants, beetles, small frogs, weevils, caterpillars, and more. They will often catch these insects in midair. This helps them get the protein they need to survive.
  • Vegetables – Sparrows will also eat vegetables. This includes things like lettuce, cabbages, soybeans, carrots, and more. They will often eat these vegetables when trying to get the nutrients they need during the winter months.
  • Plants – Sparrows can also feed on plants such as buckwheat, and crabgrass, ragweed, among other flowers and buds. However, this is not common for sparrows and they only do this if they can’t find enough seeds and insects. In some cases, they may also eat the leaves of trees.

Diet In The Wild

The diet of a sparrow in the wild will vary depending on the location and the season. In general, though, they will eat mostly seeds. They will also eat insects, fruits, vegetables, and more.

Their beaks are designed to pick seeds out of the dirt. This helps them get the food they need to survive. Therefore, seeds such as grass seed, wheat, and oats form readily available diets.

Diet By Type Of Sparrow

There are many different types of sparrows. This means that their diets can vary depending on the type of sparrow.

House Sparrow
Image Credit: eBird
  • House Sparrow – The main diet for house sparrows includes things like discarded food by human beings, wheat, barley, oats, and more. They can also feed on livestock feed.
Tree Sparrow
Image Credit: Saga
  • Tree Sparrow – The main diet for tree sparrows includes sunflower seeds, millet, and more. They will also eat insects, fruits, vegetables, and more.
Great Sparrow
Image Credit: Wikipedia
  • Great Sparrow – The great sparrow mainly feeds on caterpillars, grasshoppers, bees, aphids, and other insects. They will also eat fruits, vegetables, and more.
Chipping Sparrow
Image Credit: MDC Teacher Portal
  • Chipping Sparrow – The chipping sparrow mainly feeds on insects. This includes things like ants, beetles, crickets, and more. They will also eat seeds, fruits, and vegetables.
Song Sparrow
Image Credit: Boreal Songbird Initiative
  • Song Sparrow – The song sparrow will feed on seeds, grasses, and insects such as beetles and caterpillars. They will also eat fruits and berries.
Field Sparrow
Image Credit: National Geographic
  • Field Sparrow – The field sparrow mainly feeds on insects. This includes things like ants, beetles, grasshoppers, and more. They will also eat seeds, fruits like plums, peaches, grapes, and vegetables.

Diet During Different Seasons

During the winter, their diet is different than what it is during other times of the year. Sparrows will often eat these vegetables when trying to get the nutrients such as vitamins they need during the winter months. These vegetables include things like cabbage, kale, and more.

In the summer, sparrows will typically eat insects such as lizards. This is because they are trying to get the protein they need to survive. They will also eat fruits and vegetables, but not as much as at other times of the year.

What Are The Predators Of Sparrows?

Now that you know what sparrows eat, you might wonder what their predators are. The main predators of sparrows are other birds such as hawks, falcons, owls, snakes, and cats. These animals will often eat the young sparrows.

Sparrows are also sometimes killed by humans. This is usually done accidentally when people are trying to kill other animals. For example, if you used a pesticide to kill ants, the sparrows that eat the ants would also be killed.

How To Feed A Sparrow Properly?

If you want to feed a sparrow, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that the food is fresh. This means that it should be free of mold and other contaminants.

You also need to ensure that the food is appropriate for the sparrow. For example, you would not want to give a sparrow insect if they are not part of their diet.

Finally, you need to ensure that the food is presented so that the sparrow can easily eat it. This means you should not put the food where the sparrow has to reach.

A good example of a place to put the food is on garden feeders, on the driveway, or on a flat surface. You should also ensure that the sparrows don’t feed on food sprayed with insecticides or harmful chemicals.

How To Attract Sparrows To Your Garden?

Most people love birds and, therefore, won’t pass a chance to attract a bird to their garden. Moreover, birds bring nature and green to your home, making it more attractive and peaceful. Sparrows are one of the most common birds in North America, and you can easily attract them to your garden.

The best way to attract sparrows is by providing them with what they need the most – food, water, and shelter. To do this, you can put up a bird feeder and fill it with their favorite seeds. You can also put out a birdbath filled with fresh water.

Another way is to make your home friendly to them. This can be by sheltering them by planting shrubs and trees in your garden. This will give them a place to build their nests and feel safe from predators.

Final Words

As you can see, there are many different things that sparrows eat. Their diet depends on their species and the time of year. If you want to attract sparrows to your garden, the best way is by providing them with what they need – food, water, and shelter. They improve your compound, so let them in and feed them properly.

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